My blog has focused mainly on the different aspects of society and business that a new technology like global positioning systems can affect, whether it is positive or negative. Through my research and writing I have come to conclude that GPS has been a huge benefit to American society, whether you are in the military, law enforcement, a business person, a land surveyor or just someone who enjoys exploring new places and travelling. The fact that GPS is so useful and applicable to so many different people creates a beneficial production and consumption environment. Along with this, many industries have flourished due to this technology such as logistics companies who use it to predict the time and place of different shipments and processes as well as industries like Google who are using GPS to create new innovations for consumers like mobile maps that help expand their corporation’s capital. GPS itself has also served as a model for other computer program systems, even if they do not use the global positioning system with satellites per say. With all of these advantages, the only issue I came across when researching global positioning systems was the possible violation of privacy. As we all know, GPS has the amazing ability to pinpoint a location anywhere in the world, at anytime of the day whether you want it to or not. Although the legality of law enforcement to use GPS to track suspects is decided by district courts, it is still up to you the consumer to decide whether or not you would like to have a GPS included in your new car, cell phone or even just be an owner of a hand held model that can provide you with a number of advantages, but also monitor all of your locations day and night.
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